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Forest Management Division

Upland Reforestation Project

The project is community-base approach project designed to address the socio-environmental probelems like natural resources degradation and poverty. thus, The project will focus on the rehabilitation of degraded upland areas by developing farmlots for production purposes through plantaing of forest trees, fruit trees and other agricultural crops while the other areas will be developed/protected for protection of critical landscape,biodiversity enhancement,recreation and scientific purposes.     The objective of this project are to reforest, manage and develop the upland areas inorder to restore its productive and protective capacity to produce various farm products for livelihood of the upland farmers and to protect the upland dwellers,peoples from adverse impact of climate change and environmental disaster.   The project is Located at Sitio Lambid and Melako, Sto Nino, Nasilaban, Palma Gil and Palungan, Dagohoy, Talaingod, Davao del Norte-date of implementation:  January to December 2019

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