TAGUM CITY COMPREHENSIVE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ---- The Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) conducted a buy-back operation as a strategy to collect plastic wastes in the campus on August 8, 2019. Dubbed as “Basuresiklo: Gasa ni Kuya Baylo sa Basura”, the project aims to support Kuya Gov Edwin Jubahib’s thrust to educate young people on the necessity to reduce and segregate solid wastes at source. In tandem with the YES-O and the City Environment Office of Tagum City, the project collected a total of 106.5 kilos of clean and dry plastic wastes collected by members of the youth environment club. In exchange, they received tumblers, rice, and school supplies depending on the weight of their collected wastes materials.
In her speech, the School Principal Dr. Judith Magsipoc emphasized the need to manage solid wastes at the local communities as the Philippines now ranks 3rd among countries that produce plastic wastes. PENRO Department Head, Romulo Tagalo, reinforced the call by encouraging students to lead and influence their classmates, friends and family members to refuse plastic if they cannot re-use it.
“Ayaw na isulod ang lamas sa cellophane, next time suguon mo ni mama ninyo sa tindahan. Kay ang gamit sa cellophane is only few minutes gikan sa pagbaktas ninyo sa tindahan hangtud maabot ang lamas sa banggera aron ad-aron”, he said.
The collected plastic wastes comprised of chichiria and candy wrappers as well as plastic bottles are to be delivered by PENRO to Davao City recycler to be re-processed and transformed into plastic tables and chairs.
More power po! tnx so much! Tagum City National Comprehensive High School